June 01, 2012

Jostedalsbreen Glacier Trip

I had quite a few thoughts during the long days of glacier travel. One of them considering the "sun watch" we learned earlier, and my realization of remembering only few details. In therms of this happening, I will now explain how it works for future incidents of my short time memory decease.

Sun Watch

Skiing on Jostedalen Glacier, Second day
In November we learned how to use a compass and the sun's position to locate the time of the day. Odd Lennart, one of our teachers, explained this winter that the sun would be 90 degrees at 6 in the morning. It will move 15 degrees for each hour. By noon the sun would be at 180 degrees directly south, and by midnight point directly to the north.

The Northern and Southern Hemisphere

If used in the southern hemisphere it's an important detail to remember that it's completely opposite compared to the northern hemisphere which means that noon will be directly north and midnight 180 degrees south.

This can be handy to keep track of the time when outdoors without a watch or interesting "fun facts" to teach students.

Vikene, O. L. Personal announcement. 11. 07. 2011. Kaupanger.